Script Frenzy


Script Frenzy is a website where in the month of April you write like crazy to make a script. Your script can be a screenplay, stage play, radio script, TV show, and several more. I chose to write a screenplay. It is a mystery action/adventure script called Footsteps in the Dark. Here is a excerpt.



Did you two hear the footsteps in the hallway last night?


There were footsteps in the hall last night?


I didn’t hear a thing. What was going on?


No one knows.


You have to set a goal for how many pages you want to write. I chose to write 30 pages. After writing 16 pages yesterday I exceeded my goal by ending up with 33 pages at the end of Script Frenzy. My script isn’t finished yet and will probably end up 50 pages long.

Where I was Friday


Friday was an interesting day. We didn’t have school today because we were busy cleaning and our grandparents were there. Rae ended up having a really bad nose bleed and had to go to the emergency room. I got to go along to help Rae while mama was driving. We got in and they were able to stop the bleeding. They decided to give her platlets and keep her overnights. they gave her some platlets and then decided to give her a steroid and keep her here for three days. Rae came home Sunday afternoon and is doing great now. Her platlet count is way up. She still has some more doctor appointments to go through to help her keep that constant platlet count though but she is great now.

Having Fun Outside


For a while we rode bikes and jumproped. I couldn’t get Rae to stay still to take a good picture of her.

Eventually, everything was abandoned on the driveway.

Emily had found a Crayola spray paint kit in the garage and decided to open it.

It consisted of two paint tubes, something to hold the paint, and something to spray the paint.

Rae got tired of watching Emily so she went over to examine the bush which she insisted was a flower (she finally learned that there was a difference between a bush, tree, and flower).

While Emily was inside for a while I was able to get some good pictures of Rae.

Isn’t she adorable? Even though it was warm outside she told us that she needed to wear her snow boots.

Kanani simply watched us from the garage.

Traveled and Back


My dad and I went on a study retreat for most of this week and we got back last night. Here are some pictures of me and Ruthie.

Here is Ruthie after we got to the family condo that we stayed at (my grandfather owns a condo so we are allowed to use it). In case you are wondering why she is not wearing the same outfit that she was in the pictures of her getting ready to leave on my other blog, it is because I played with her hair and changed her 0utfit in the car.

There were two beds in my bedroom so Ruthie had one for herself.


The next morning my dad and I got a dozen glazed doughnuts from Krispy Kremes. It was Valentines Day so they gave them to us heart shaped.

Before we headed home to our state we stopped at Crab Catchers for lunch. I really wanted steamed oysters but they only came in a bucket of 30 to 40. I ate probably 15-20. I am holding the knife that you use to open the oysters just so you know.

China VS America Report


I just finished writing this report and I wanted to share it with you. Comment below and tell me what you thought about it (be honest).

                                                    China VS America


            Going to China has been one of the most spectacular things that have ever happened in my life. In this report I will tell you my favorite things that we experienced in three of the cities we were in and compare life in China to life in America.

            Beijing was a really neat city. I had two favorite things to do there. One of my favorites was the acrobatic show which we did on our first full day in China. It was amazing seeing a girl dance on someone’s head and somewhere between 5 and 7 motorcycles driving around in a ball. Another one of my very favorite things that we did was go to the Great Wall of China. It was amazing seeing something that was built way before Jesus was born. I climbed pretty high and the view was colossal. The leaves hadn’t fallen off all of the trees so I could see hills and trees everywhere. Of those two things, I think the Great Wall was my favorite.

         Cheng Du was the city that we had been waiting to go to for a very long time. This is the city where we got Rae which was most definitely one of my favorite things. We arrived in Cheng Du around lunch time. We went to our hotel for a little while and then were driven to the civil affairs office where we would see Rae face to face for the first time ever. We had to walk up many stairs. We were told that Rae would be there before us so every time we reached a landing I would think “Is Rae there?” but she never was. We finally got to the fourth or fifth level and were led into a room that had hanging pictures of fruit all around us. It was a glass room so we could see Rae once she was up the stairs. It seemed to take forever before we finally saw the little girl that we had been waiting to see for 18 months. She was wearing an ugly mustard yellow jacket and holding the hand of her nanny. Mama, Emily, and I went out into the hallway to meet her. She was really shy at first but she eventually warmed up to us a little bit. We played with a few things and asked some questions. When it was time for the nanny, the orphanage director, and the orphanage director’s assistant to leave Rae was most certainly not happy. She cried, screamed, and kicked all the way down the stairs as we left but I won’t continue on with this part of the story because it wasn’t my favorite part. My other favorite part of Cheng du was going to see the pandas. We had bough Rae a panda outfit so I dressed her in it and we all went out in a van. We saw many pandas, including red pandas. My favorite part was where there was one panda hanging over a branch and another panda at the bottom and they were playing with a branch or something like that. Cheng Du wasn’t a glamorous city like Beijing or a scenic city like Guangzhou but it was where we got Rae and that’s why I liked it.

       Guangzhou was our last city before leaving China (unless you count Hong Kong where we only stayed for one night). Guangzhou was easily my favorite city. The weather was great and everything was so beautiful. Our hotel there was the best hotel I’ve ever stayed in. It had the best breakfast. At the breakfast there was an oriental section that I checked every morning to see what weird food was there. The weirdest things were red bean and green bean cake. There were also things like a gym, pool, play area, tennis court, and basketball court. Seeing everyone else in our groups’ kids was also really fun. All of the other kids were so sweet. There was Mia who was nine and got along with Rae pretty well; then there was Lily who was seven and very loud. Last but not least was Alexis (we called her Alex) who was two. It was neat that all four of us families got special needs girls. Shopping was also pretty fun. On Shamein Island there were many small “junk shops” as I called them. They all sold pretty much the same thing. There were several fake things such as pearl necklaces, North Face jackets, and jade chess sets. Shamein Island was where Emily and I bought our gifts for our friends. One of the most memorable church services I will ever have probably was in Guangzhou. They don’t have an English speaking international church there so we went to a part Mandarin and part English Christmas service. We sang some songs in English and Mandarin and listened to a lady translate the sermon into English. There were also presentations from some Chinese kids. They first did a skit and then at the end sang some Mandarin and English songs. It was so funny listening to little kids trying to speak our language and having a hard time with their accents. I really like Guangzhou and hope to visit again.

     China is similar and different compared to America. I am going to talk about those similarities and differences in the next chapters.

     First, I will describe for you the non touristy part of China. I’m going to tell you about how people actually live. Most people in the cities that we were in seemed to live in apartments. If you know a little bit about China you would think this is reasonable because of the One Child Policy. Now if you know a little more about China you wouldn’t believe how cramped these people are since three generations usually live in one apartment. You may also wonder about the Communism. It seems like such a big deal to us but to the Chinese people it isn’t. They don’t really understand what freedom is. Our first guide, Ms. Sherry, told us that the Chinese people were allowed to vote but there was only one person that they could vote for. I couldn’t imagine not getting to choose who was to run my country or having the government decide when I could have a child or how many. I describe the Communism in China this way. The streets of China are very clean. There is hardly any trash there. Now there are gates along the roads and if you look through them you see all of the trash that is hidden from view. In Communism the government seems to tell the people that everything is great and they have plenty of freedom. But if you look behind the gates you see all of the trash and harshness of the government. So this is how I describe the non tourist part of China.

     Now I will describe for you America. First I will describe what families in America are like. Most families in America are split in half. The parents are divorced. Even families that are together are so busy that they rarely spend time with each other. There are few families that spend time with each other now days in America. I described the government of China so I might as well describe the government of America. America has strayed from what it was when we were first founded. While we are still a Capitalist country we seem to be slowly sneaking away from it and closer and closer to Socialism. More and more power is being taken away from the people and being given to the government. This could be a sure sign that in ten years or so we could be a Socialist country. The de-emphasis of the family and the freedom being taken away could eventually destroy the United States of America.

       It is now time to compare China and America. I will begin with the family life. I know that I didn’t describe the family life in the paragraph I wrote about the non tourist part of China but it will be described in this paragraph. The family life in China is great. Part of that could result in three generations living together. Children respect their parents greatly. Our guide, Ms. Sherry, told us that she let her parents choose her husband and that they presented her with her job options. There is trust and respect between parents and children that people in America can’t understand. The families in America are falling apart while the families in China are just growing closer. I think America could learn from the example of Chinese families. Now I must compare the governments. If you just looked at these two governments at a glance you would think that they were complete opposites but they aren’t. They are, in fact, more similar than they were twenty years ago. I believe that America was a whole lot more free twenty years ago then now. Why is that? Because our government is wanting too much power and the only way they can get more is if they take it from the people. I think that this is how Communism started. America has been an example for other countries around the globe yet we are diving head first into something that we have fought against. I would like to use a biblical illustration. God warns us in the Bible about being “luke- warm Christians.” That means that God either wants us to be completely on fire for Him or be focused on the world. God does not want us to be in the middle, going from the things of the world to Him over and over again. Now compare this to our government. We could be a completely capitalist country with the perfect amount of freedom for the people and government or we could be just like China was under Chairman Mao, no power to the people and all power to the government. Let us not be in the middle on the line between Capitalism and Socialism but let us be full on Capitalists. I will conclude with this. Is America all that different from China in this day and age? If you look at the Chinese and American families, yes; but if you look at the governments you have to wonder. And will we be any different from China in another twenty years?

Entry 1 of my Short Journal of China


12/13/11- morning 12/14/11

Dear Journal,

    We have finally arrived in Bejing. The ride  to Minneapolis was pretty normal except for the fact that the plane was small. Mama and I passed the iPad back and forth, playing Phase Ten. When we got to Minneapolis we took a train to the Mall of America where we visited the American Girl store. I got a black t-shirt and Emily got a black hat and pajamas. Mama got Rae a shirt, jeans, and sweater. The ride to Tokyo was very long. The plane was filled with mostly Asian people. We had our own TVs on which we watched movies. We slept on the plane also. Tokyo was an interesting city. We got some cookies that were like shortbread. We slept most of the way to Bejing. Flying over the ocean wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. The meals they gave you weren’t very good. It was like a TV dinner of food you didn’t like. The time change hasn’t been too terrible yet. We met our guide at the airport. Her name is Sherry and she’s very nice. I didn’t realize how much English writing is all over American until we were driving around Bejing and there were Chinese characters on the buildings. Next to our hotel there is a building that has English characters and Mandarin. -this part has been removed because I would need Chinese characters- We have rooms next to each other. I don’t really care if they’re connected. THere are scarf dancers outside. We’re about to go eat breakfast!


What should I read?


I really want to read a good book series but I can’t find one. I’ve already read Harry Potter, Secret Series, and Series of Unfortunate Events. I’m too old for Beverly Cleary books and Ivy and Bean and I’m not allowed and don’t want to read the Hunger Games. Nancy Drew is okay but I get tired of the same thing happening every time. I will never out grow American Girl books. In the past 3 days I have read Chrissa, finished Kanani, and read Meet Kit. What should I read now?

Quick Update from China


Hi everyone! I’m still in China. I’m sitting in our hotel in Guanzhou at the desk in my parents’ room. The most adorable person ever is about 4 feet in front of me. Rae Michelle ______ is a girl full of personality. You may be confused with the way I spelled her name. We were pronouncing her name roo-ee because that is what Rui looks like. When we got to Bejing our guide told us that it was pronounced Rae so we changed the spelling. Mackenzie Rae, if you are reading this, I hope you like her name. There was a period of time that we thought Rae could be Tibetan but we found out that she is Han (the main Chinese ethnic group). I’ll tell you more about everything when we get back. Tonight our plan is for mama and daddy to go downstairs and eat at one of the hotel restaurants while Emily, Rae, and I watch a movie and eat food brought up by room service. Rae is playing with the blow dryer right now


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Gone for a While


It is time for me to say good-bye to you all. As you know, my family has been trying to adopt a girl from China. The girl we are adopting is named Rui and she is between the ages of 4-8. It is time for us to go get her. Tomorrow morning we will be making the journey to China. We will be stopping in one of the locations of the American Girl Stores and there  is a chance we might go there. I will try to update but there is a chance I will not be able to. We will be getting back on before the new year starts. So good-bye all friends. I will miss you all!